Founded in 2004 in Otterloh, COOLtec Systems GmbH has successfully established itself as an owner-managed company in the challenging air-conditioning market and especially in the IT cooling sector. COOLtec supports its customers as partners in the creation of a customised air conditioning concept: the modular approach helps to reduce operating costs and to react dynamically to changes.

Welcome, COOLtec, to the GDA

Welcome, COOLtec, to the GDA

Welcome, COOLtec, to the GDA

The product range in the data centre sector includes chillers, dry coolers, air conditioners units, rack coolers and adiabatic cooling air/air solutions. The customised solutions are used in new constructions, renovations or in the expansion of existing data centres and are characterised by high efficiency and the greatest possible environmental compatibility. Current regulations such as EN 50600 are also taken into account.

"We are delighted to be accepted into the GDA," says Stephan Hülskamp, Sales Manager & Member of the Management Board at COOLtec Systems GmbH. "A constructive exchange with members of the industry & cooperation with GDA, where a flexible & sustainable air conditioning strategy is more than necessary in today's data centre environment, is particularly close to our hearts."

"A sustainable air conditioning strategy is crucial for efficient data centre operations," knows GDA Chairwoman Anna Klaft. "We look forward to exchanging state-of-the-art and innovative ideas with our new partner COOLtec."


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