SMARDT-OPK Chillers GmbH

The Smardt Chiller Group, headquartered in Montreal (Canada), is one of the world's largest manufacturer of liquid coolers and chiller units with oil-free, magnetically mounted and highly efficient turbo compressors from Danfoss (Turbocor).

Since 2011 as a part of the global Smardt Chiller Group, the Company is producing since 1985 highly efficient and particularly performance chiller units, refrigeration systems, heat pumps and high-temperature heat pumps for industry, process cooling and building technology in Baden-Württemberg (Germany).
Advanced features and custom engineering allow to tailor and optimize the water chillers specially for highest availability industry and facility needs, like the cooling supply or the heat re-use in Datacenter requirements.

We, the Team at Smardt-EMEA, are very pleased to be accepted into the German Datacenter Association and we are looking forward to an open exchange and collaborative Teamwork..

Christian Korn | Sales Director & Head of Sales Germany-Austria-Switzerland


Technical Supplier


Christian Richter
Sales Director & Head of Sales International EMEA




Media Partner